Wednesday, July 04, 2007

One Month

It dawned on me sometime yesterday afternoon that it was the one month anniversary of Sandi's death. How fitting that we decided to get together with some of her old friends that were in town. I don't know if it was the fact that it was a holiday eve or the fact that it was a Tuesday night but there were not many of us there. Those of us that were had a good time though. Mike was there with Kevin and I and we also met Maggie, Tina, Tanya and Chris. We closed down the place and had fun sharing memories of all things Rolla.

Earlier in the day I went to see yet another friend from home. Sue, or Susan as she goes by now had her first book signing for her new book, "The Lifter of My Head." She is an amazing woman who I have known since the 6th grade and she wrote this book that is a christian perspective on dealing with postpartum depression. She is one of those rare women, like my sister, who can take a terrible experience and allow God to use her to help others. Rather than hanging her head and trying to hide the fact that she suffered through what can be a very debilitating and isolating condition, she has gathered strength and decided to help others that are going through the same situation or even someone who has a loved one that has PPD. My heart breaks for her that she had to go through this but I see what a strong woman she has become and it is inspiring.

Well, I am off to be on Dad's radio show this morning. I will post pictures of our 4th of July fun tomorrow. Have a happy and safe 4th!
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