So Jo thinks that all this extra time I have on my hands will be a good reason to blog more! She has requested that I blog more so that she can have a better idea of what is going on since I am no longer around where she can have frequent updates..... The only problem with that is there is currently nothing to blog about!
My day goes something like this now...
6:30am wake and shower to get ready for the day
7:00am, start making lunches for the girls
7:35am, leave to take Katie to school and in case of inclement weather, deliver the twins to school as well.
8:00am return home to either wait for the bus with the kids from the street so that I can regain control of my driveway.
9:00am (if feeling so motivated) go to gym for an hour
10:30am return home
10:31am sit on couch or at bar in kitchen with my computer and watch a movie or play a game or kill time with a nap, do a load of laundry if necessary; continue until 3:00pm or as needed!
3:05pm leave to pick Katie up
3:20pm return home to meet bus with twins on it
3:21pm, think about cooking dinner, watch kids do homework
3:45pm let the kids finish with homework
6:00pm cook dinner
6:30pm eat dinner
7:00pm argue with kids about which one needs to clean up from dinner
8:00pm get kids in shower
9:00pm get kids in bed
10:00pm go to bed
repeat ad nauseam *until i get a life!
*remove all parts of the day regarding school and homework on weekends and holidays.
Jo, I will work on keeping you up to date if anything happens that stirs up the excitement here! Not looking too good so far but we will see!
It's a start. How about knitting project? How about scrapbooking projects? You need to get your but in gear and get Sandy's done because then you get to mine and I haven't done a page in Emily's book since the day Erin was born and in Erin's book since we took the girls to Disney when Erin was 3. So you've got plenty to do.
Plus you could make me a Friendship blanket that has our initials on it so I can curl up in it when I miss you. Like now.
How about designing? Then you can sell your pattern and make thousands of dollars and come see me.
Don't you think?
How about make me a pair of socks? I have big feet so make em big.
Glad you're back in the blog world. I missed you!
Holy cow this made me laugh.
Hey! Did you forget how to type up there in cold and wind??? Typing will warm you up.
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