My wonderful Aunt Maureen passed away from complications of Lung Cancer a week ago today. Mom and Dad and I flew to Florida on Sunday night so we could be here for her funeral which was held yesterday afternoon. Funerals seem to be defining moments in my life lately, with Sandi last June and now Aunt Maureen, Cancer also seems to be a recurring theme. I am, again this year, leading the team for the Relay For Life for the American Cancer Society. Prayers for better weather this year would be appreciated! If you are interested in donating to the cause, you can do so by clicking on the blog badge on the side of the page to either join our team or give us a donation to help fight cancer in all of its forms (don't even get me started on the Race for the Cure, have an anger issue there!).
One of the things that would have made Aunt Maureen happy was the fact that all of her Kids and most of her grandkids were here for the funeral. It is a crappy way to have a family reunion but I did get to see all of my cousins in the same place at the same time for the first time since I was a child and meet many of their kids for the first time in YEARS! The last time I met them I was in high school and they were sitting at the kitchen table coloring with my dad and this time I was drinking with them (legally!). I am posting a slideshow below of some of the pictures that we took last night. Hopefully we will manage to stay better connected this time! More later, we have more chatting and shopping to do before we go home tomorrow!