Wow, I feel like I have just given birth to a new baby! Coming up with a name for a new blog is harder than one might think! I doubt that there are many out there that will run across this unless they are at
PC Primer or I send them a link to it but you gotta start somewhere!
I have no idea what this will end up being about...It will probably change between Computers, Knitting and Girl Scouts seeing as those are the main things I find myself doing! I guess I will log off for now, I need to go get back to work cleaning my house before my mother shows up tonight and then I can get back to work on the pair of socks that needs to be done before she gets here! I am doing pretty good, I only have about 2/3 of the second sock to complete....just need a few uninterupted hours of knitting!
Happy thoughts to you....ChickiToo