Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Pressure starting to get to ya?

Ok, I am starting to get stressed out, not only did I choose a REALLY tough project for this Knitting Olympics, I haven't picked up my project in TWO DAYS! WHAT AM I THINKING!

I need to knit, I need to knit! I should have told the Girl Scouts that there was no way we could do cookie delivery during the olympics! What were they thinking! I spent most of the day today unloading and loading and moving and counting cases and cases of cookies! Do you know what is worse than being on a diet? Being on a diet and being surrounded by 3200+ cases of Girl Scout cookies! At least it was a good workout!

I promise, as soon as my last parent picks up their cookies tonight I will complete at least 2 pattern repeats on my sweater! And tomorrow I will do nothing but knit after I get back from the gym!

Still no pictures of my olympic knitting so I will put in some pics of my mom's newly felted purse! I think she was amazed at how fast it shrinks up! Here are the before and after pictures, please ignore the fact that she is in her pj's, that bothered her (ok, don't tell her I posted it please!) She kept asking how big she was supposed to knit this bag, It actually would have fit my oldest as a dress! Of course Kumette had to watch the action while the old washer worked it's magic! At least she didn't jump in this time, she has a habit of chasing the soap bubbles! Very funny the first few times it happens! Ok, you are's funny EVERY time! I won't tell her if you don't!

Ok, I am off to try to knit for a little while before I have to go have parents sign away their lives for a few cases of cookies! I really should get knitting on the olympic project but this new Lorna's Laces is calling my name, it is a beautiful shade of green and is making me think of St. Pat's socks! Ok....I will knit on olympic sweater.....but I will be thinking of the socks!

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