Friday, April 06, 2007

Visit from the other half of my brain

It was great to see her. The other half of my brain that I am talking about is my best friend Deb. She lives on the other side of the world, ok, so it is just Oregon but if you have ever been to Eastern Oregon it sure FEELS like another country! She flew out to give me some much needed moral support and just hang out. We drove to visit Sandi up in Missouri. They had never met and I felt that we had better take care of that as soon as possible!

Of course, anyone who knows me knows that I can be a terrible slob and that my office in my room is the catch all place for everything that doesn't have space anywhere else! It took Deb bare moments to realize that she wanted to help me (read: MAKE ME) clean and organize it! I really can't complain, if I didn't want help with it I would have had it done before she got here! You learn early with Deb not to mention something you should do unless you intend to do it NOW! I also kind of gently encouraged her to redo her kitchen when I visited last spring break! We spent four days covered in paint and wallpaper paste and it looked beautiful when we got done!

We didn't have four days to spend this time with the trip to Missouri and all but we did make some headway and Deb is confident now that I am well provided for in my retirement because she has seen the stash and is sure that anyone with that much yarn could sell it or consign items knitted from it for much money. If she only knew how much it cost to acquire that much yarn in the first place, she would have more respect. I would take a picture but I don't have a wide angle lens! I will post pictures of the office when I officially get it done. At least I can see the desk, there is a top to it after all! Kind of thought it might be paper colored there for a while!

Alright, I am being pressured to wrap this up so I better get going, I will try to post more tomorrow including pictures so there is photographic evidence that this job gets completed. I will also have to go in and update Sandi's blog with some exciting new developments!


Anonymous said...

Hey, girlfriend! I'm so glad to hear that Deb was able to visit you from Oregon and that she and Sandi were finally able to meet each other. I also hope that you, Kevin and the girls got to spend some quality time together over the Easter weekend.

We haven't forgotten about you in the ol' Virtual Coop. In fact, you're the first thing we talk about before we start every show. WE MISS YOU, CHICKITOO! We do understand that you have more pressing issues that need your attention and our thoughts and prayers are with you always. I'll be watching Sandi's blog for the exciting news you have to share and yep, I wanna see that photo of your newly reorganized office, too.

Thanks again for taking the time to keep all of us up-to-date on what's going on with Sandi and with you (what's this about retirement????).

Your friend and co-host,

StarrChild said...

I just thought I would drop you a line to let you know I was thinking about you. We have missed you at knit nites. We will meet again on April 20th. It's D's birthday. Hope you can make it! But we understand if you are unable

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you Chickitoo, know prayers are being lifted for you and all your family.


Verse of the Day