We tried at least! While the Relay for Life for Cabot raised over $43,000 we did more moving of stuff than actually walking! We got the ok from the committee to set up on the football field at 1pm so Kevin and I made a few trips over with tents and chairs and coolers and such and went back at 5:30 with dinner and the cookies to get started in earnest. With all of us there we had a great tent set up next to the churches youth tent so we were all set to have a good time.
Just as we went through the starting ceremonies and did the survivor lap then the caregivers led off the beginning of the event and we walked one lap, they told us to move everyone to the field house for a short while to stay out of the lightning that had just come up with a storm that was north of us. We got the kids to the field house and the wind started kicking up so Kevin and I stayed behind to try to batten down the hatches just as Jo and Marty's screen house started to blow away.
We spent a while breaking everything down so that we could throw it all inside the tent and hold it down with the coolers. We all ran up the hill to the field house to wait out the storm and get back to business. We waited and waited for the rain and the committee decided that we needed to just stay put so we all ran back down to the field to bring everything up the hill before it began to rain. After a bunch of trips back and forth to the cars and the building we got everything set up. Notice I haven't said yet that we had even felt a raindrop! It did finally rain a bit but not the kind of rain the event committee was expecting.
The event finally got going and people finally began walking inside but the mood was kind of lost when we had to relocate so as soon as the entertainment was over it was pretty much done and we all packed up again and went home! We were all home by midnight and got a better nights sleep than we counted on in the first place.
We had fun, the kids had a blast and our team raised $1500 and won the trophy for most money raised online. Does that really surprise anyone that knows me? Thanks to everyone that helped or walked with us or donated! We even got a survivor t-shirt for Sandi!
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