Sunday, June 10, 2007

Garden Fairies

We finally arrived home today after being gone for what seems like months on end, (oh, was). Sandi's funeral is finally over leaving us with nothing to do but face the fact that she is truly gone. She passed away one week ago today and the past week seems like such a blur. We were all so happy to be helping with the details because it kept us busy and let us honor her memory. I was not looking forward to coming home with three overtired and cranky kids and when we got here the girls and I were making a mad rush for the bathrooms so I totally missed what had happened right in my front yard.

Apparently while we were gone the Garden Fairy made a visit and weeded and mulched and put in some beautiful flowers. There is also a very pretty statue of an angel with a bird on her hand that just seems so appropriate. I cried when I saw it, and I was so proud of myself for making it all the way to three in the afternoon without crying about anything too!

All I can say is thank you Garden Fairies, I love it. What an amazing tribute to my sister, that is unless it was just your way of telling me that it was time to weed and mulch because you could no longer see the forest for the trees!
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Jo said...

What a wonderful way to come home!!! Glad to hear that you are back. I'm looking forward to keeping you busy this summer.


Anonymous said...

Don't ya just LOVE those Garden Fairies!


Anonymous said...

Everyone needs Garden Fairies!! Your yard looks beautiful!!

Verse of the Day