Does it get any better than that? I got home from Dallas at 1:30 am on Friday morning after an amazing faith filled week and found on my doorstep a package from the other side of the ocean! My dear friend
Tiffany sent us a care package filled with goodies. The girls have been having a fun time trying to figure out what was in each of the packages. As I sit here eating asparagus sticks (really good) and drinking a glass of Milk Tea (really, REALLY good, you were right Tiff) I am looking at the remains of what was probably at one time a cookie similar to a fig newton. Sadly, plastic wrapped goodies don't hold up well to customs as they appear to have been taken out of the box, tossed around for a while with a tennis racket and crushed by some large object before being determined to be non-threatening and not of interest to national security and being replaced to be cushioned by my new yarn! Question Tiffany...Do you make REALLY Freakin Big socks on those DPN's? I love you gal, now Katie is really on board with a trip to Japan as soon as possible to visit!
I know that I have not posted to my blog in way longer than is excusable however, before you scream at me or begin emailing me nastygrams it has been a really long month and I have been wracking up the frequent flyer miles and putting an insane number of miles on the van! Travel with me if you will, waaaaayyyy back to the beginning of December when the madness and craziness got going.....
To be continued...
1 comment:
Glad you got it! Sorry about the figgy thing (it's actually rasin newton thing). I would love to see your thoughts on our "figgy pudding" stuff.
As far as the DPN's go, I have yet to use them for socks, but maybe you could use them for god only knows what. DPN's here are not small at all. I had to use 10 in long DPN's to complete my waving lace socks. Nearly poked my eyes out (or Ben's when he would try to climb in my lap.), but it worked and there were NO stitches that slid off...
makes socks a little hard to carry around...
Glad you liked it guys! HUGS to EVERYONE!
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