Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Life Goes On

Wasn't there a TV show with that title once? It is true however. This was our first big holiday since we lost Sandi and it was not as bad as you might think. The 4th of July was always big for us. Even as kids we used to celebrate Christmas in July with family friends and made a big deal out of a summer celebration. We tried to get together each year, sometimes it worked, other times it didn't. Sandi and I used to park cars for the Rolla Lions Club Carnival. We loved it, it was hot and tiring but the money was good and we got to see everyone that was there and had spending money.

Today I went in to town with Dad to do his radio show with him and then we came home to get ready to barbecue for dinner. I made five batches of ice cream for dessert and we all spent a fun afternoon just hanging out. Gene and Sarah (Mike's dad and his wife) and Bert and her son and his two girls came out to join Mom and Dad and Kevin and I and the girls and Mike and the kids. We had an early dinner and Mike took Katie and Logan and Lauren to the carnival for a while. My ankle is still swollen and sore from last weekends sprain so I decided to sit this year out.

Before they left we did manage to plant a tree at mom and dad's for Sandi. Dad has always planted trees for important people in his life, Sandi and I each have a tree in the front yard, as do all of the kids and certain deceased pets. We decided that we needed to plant a pretty flowering tree for Sandi so we decided on a Pink flowering dogwood.

I think I am going to go enjoy a slice of my birthday cake that Mom and Katie made for me. It is my favorite and I need to have some before everyone else gets some and there is none left for me!

More to come...
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