Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Even So, It Is Well With My Soul

Sandi loved that song and that was the way she lived her life! No matter what came at her, she would say, that must be God's will and that she would learn to be ok with it. I used to call her Pollyanna because she could always find the silver lining! That said, I am trying to do better in seeing the good instead of the negative. Walk to Emmaus helped with that, my friends and church family help with that too. One of the things I have found that I have trouble with is forgiveness.

Here goes...

Dear rude obnoxious person that stole my Blackberry,

(see, it still creeps out there) I hope that you are enjoying my, oops, your new phone. Please know that I am positive that you needed it more than I do. I am sure that you wouldn't have opened my car door even knowing that I left it unlocked unless you had an emergency and needed a phone right that very second. I am sure you thought that borrowing my phone was easier than waking up the people in the house you stood outside to use their phone was the kind thing to do! I hope that you realize that it is not the money that bothers me, material things can be replaced no matter how much money was spent on ring tones or graphics or the personal information that was kept on there and how many numbers and addresses were lost to me, those I can replace. What bothers me most is the fact that the last pictures of my sister while she was living are on that phone. You will look at those pictures and think how terribly emaciated and ill that person looks and why would you have those pictures on there but only I know that those were the last days my beloved sister breathed life on this earth. I know that she is probably happy those pictures are gone and that she would tell me to get over it. I am trying to do that. I will forgive you for stealing my phone because that is what God would want me to do and I will pray for you and hope that you will find a way to change your life and use your God given talents for good, not evil.
So, enjoy your new phone, even though my husband secretly thinks that I gave it away in the hopes of acquiring a new iPhone. I will replace my phone and my memories of my sister will not fade or be stolen, you have to live with what you have done! God bless you!

The owner of the red blackberry pearl~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristi,
Its me again I know that it is not a good idea for me to keep posting to you.
I do know how hard it is to lose something so wonderful. I lost my brother last November, You see with time it does help not much but some. Even though my brother was no where near as wonderful as sandi it was still hard.
I am sure everyone has told you that time heals. It really does, well with my brother any way. It is still hard for me with sandi she was my best friend and I now have no one to call or go see to say look this is what is going on or this is what happened to day.
I guess my point is that time helps and just dont get tired of hearing that because I have heard it way to much, you see my grandmother died in september then my grandfather in october, my brother and uncle in November,my aunt some where in thier, then sandi ( all that is true). You see the hardest part was losing Sandi maybe it is all of them together or it is just her.
She was my best friend and I will never forget her but it IS ok to move on,when your ready. Now I am able to half way listen to the radio with out hearing a song that reminds me of her, Half way was the key word.

Hugs and prayers,
Austin Dinwiddie


Verse of the Day