Sunday, August 26, 2007


This was taken the weekend before Tiffany and her family left us to move to Japan. Jo and Tiffany and I (and a bunch of others from our church) spent the evening at an Emmaus event that served as a farewell meeting too. It is harder to be on the side where you have to say goodbye and be left behind I think, we are used to being the ones that do the leaving. Tiffany gets to go off to another country and see and do all those exciting first time things. A part of me is jealous but there is the part of me that is beginning to think about putting down roots here also! Shhhh....Don't tell the railroad that I said that or they will think about moving us!

Tiffany, we just want you to know that we miss you! Disciple just won't be the same without you and keep the blog entries coming, we love getting a feel for Japan through you, even if you have cheaper yarn! In your honor, I will cast on something new tomorrow! Or maybe finish a sock!
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